Amy Peirone
Dr. Amy Peirone holds an M.A in Criminology, an M.A in Social Data Analysis, and a Ph.D. in Sociology with a specialization in Social Justice. She is a fulltime Professor at St. Clair College in the Social Justice and Legal Studies Program. At present, Amy is working on a WE-Spark-funded project to assist with the development of a community data trust to help address issues of homelessness, affordable housing, and social housing in Windsor-Essex. She is also involved in numerous other projects, including research on the age-crime curve, research examining the recommendations by domestic death review committees, and research exploring the linkages between violence in intimate relationships and animal abuse. Her other research experience and publications include perceptions of police and court discrimination among minority youth, disclosure practices, and help-seeking among survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV), police response to cases of IPV, diversity in experiences of IPV and sexual victimization, and research that identifies best data practices. Amy is also the Coordinator for the Violence Against Women Coordinating Committee Windsor-Essex, is a Co-Director at the University of Windsor’s Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women and serves on the Board of Directors for St. Leonard’s House Windsor and the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.