Driving Forward
St. Clair College provides the capacity to conduct projects related to technologies for the safe transport of people and goods with the focus being Electric Vehicle Technologies, Battery Manufacturing, Cybersecurity, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technologies. St. Clair College provides companies with the laboratory space to test their products, develop innovative ideas for the next generation of mobility, and build a talent pipeline for the industry.

Automobility is the secure, zero-emission movement of people, goods
and services using advanced information technologies. St. Clair College has the advantage of being located in Canada's automobility capital of Canada. With the combination of students, faculty, facilities, and the Windsor-Essex ecosystem, St. Clair College is the place for automobility research and innovation.
Electric Vehicle Technologies
Research that focuses on the advancement and usage of EVs. With governments legislating zero emission vehicle mandates and automotive companies embracing the movement towards a greener economy, every part of the automotive supply chain is innovating. St. Clair College offers the knowledge, skills, technology and the space to help your industry move into the electric vehicle future.
Battery Manufacturing
Research that focuses on the performance, cost, and sustainability of battery manufacturing. With the world’s largest automakers pledging to ethically sources batteries and build EVs in Canada, St. Clair College students and researchers are equipped to take operationalize battery manufacturing. From beginning of the battery manufacturing process all the way to battery recycling, St. Clair College can partner with you to meet your battery manufacturing needs.
Research that focuses on the protection of critical and sensitive information. St. Claire College offers the knowledge and capability to ensure your business, and vehicle are protected from cyber attacks.With more industries and vehicles becoming more software integrated, vulnerability to cyber-attacks is at an all-time high. To prevent these types of attacks, automakers and suppliers must implement robust cybersecurity measures at all levels of the vehicle design and manufacturing process.
Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
Research that focuses on connected and autonomous vehicle technologies with the usage of advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and sensor technologies, to enable vehicles to communicate with each other and with their environment, and to operate with varying levels of autonomy. St. Clair College offers industry partners the opportunity to use sensors and the collection and analysis of data to allow vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and their surrounding infrastructure.
Affiliated Labs & Partners
St. Clair College has state-of-the-art technology and the expertise to help OEMs, SMEs, and startups take the next step in the automotive industry. The automobility lab is home to researchers that specialize in electric vehicles, battery manufacturing, cybersecurity, and connected and autonomous vehicle technology. The automobility lab serves as a space to bring together knowledge and new concepts in the development and production of zero emission vehicles.
Invest WindsorEssex is a not-for-profit organization responsible for advancing economic development to grow and sustain prosperity in the region. As the lead economic development organization in the region, Invest WindsorEssex provides confidential and expert assistance to companies and entrepreneurs in all sectors. Their focus is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract, and help start up new businesses in the Windsor-Essex region. Invest WindsorEssex also leads the Windsor-Essex Regional Technology Development Site (WE RTDS), one of seven RTDS sites in Ontario, funded by the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) and the Ontario Center for Innovation (OCI). The WE RTDS provides free programs and services to companies working in automobility. The services range from products and software to assistance with R&D, business development and mentorship. The WE RTDS site specializes in
advanced simulation, virtual reality, and automotive cybersecurity. St. Clair College is a key partner supporting the Digital Twinning for Manufacturing and CAV/EV program.